I have been playing around with the thought of starting a blog for the past few years. Since I love social media, it seems like the natural progression is to just jump in and do it. I feel like, at my core, I am a storyteller. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the rest are great, but not really appropriate for all the details of my life and adventures that I would like to share. My biggest obstacle...the actual technology. I am NOT a tech savvy gal! I aspire to be a tech savvy gal, but, as with many things in my life (as in yours, as well, I'm sure!) it is still a work in progress.
I don't have a specific purpose in my mind for this blog. I simply want a place to share,well, anything that is making me feel like I need to share. Anyone who knows me is already aware that I can talk the balls off a pool table! Don't be shocked if I am sharing a recipe one day, and telling the story of how I secretly desire to try stand up comedy the next. Occasionally, I suspect, I will just need a place to vent. Mostly, though, I want to share my ideas and adventures, my joys and sorrows, and my thoughts on how my "story" is currently unfolding.
Just to get my feet wet, I am going to try to post a picture at the end of my blog post today. I know what you're thinking...big flippin' deal, right? Well, for a technical novice like myself, it will be a major victory...if it works! Well, here goes nothin'...
Sweet Lord, I think it worked! SCORE! (It really is the little things.) In case you don't already know, I'm the hottie with the short brown hair. (Just kidding! Although I do aspire to be a hottie too! LOL!) This is a picture of my unbelievable family, taken by my sister in law, Lisa, on Easter Sunday 2012. Prepare yourself. I am certain that many posts in this blog will revolve around these incredible human beings. They ARE, typically, my favorite subjects.
My goal is to make this blog a happy, and occasionally educational,
place where people can go to feel connected and maybe even inspired.
Come along for the ride. You are welcome here.