An Open Letter to Sophia Runion as She Leaves for College
Dear Sophia,
I feel like I have been planning this letter for 18 years, but suddenly, I'm not sure where to start. How do you condense all the advice and counsel that is required to send you off into the big wide world in just a few short paragraphs?
Let me start by saying...YOU'VE GOT THIS. I know it. You know it. I keep telling people, "That bird is ready to fly." Independence is going to look really good on you. It is not always going to be easy to keep your head on straight, but you already know that sometimes doing the right thing is not the easy thing. Continue to make good choices. Learn from your mistakes. (Let the cliche fest begin!)
WVU is a magical place. People who live in this state feel invested in the students who attend the University, and they revel in the accomplishments and success of those students. Don't let them down. Don't let yourself down. Have vision. That doesn't mean you need to plan out your entire life in the next few months. Having vision simply means figuring out what you want your life to be. If you want a life that is filled with happiness, purpose and passion, then find a way to make it happen. Remember, it is not all about quantity of salary, but about quality of life. Do things that make your heart feel full and things that ignite your passion. God knows, you DEFINITELY have passion. Plant your seed and let it grow.
Take advantage of all that WVU and the college experience has to offer. ENGAGE! ENGAGE! ENGAGE! Put yourself out there! Meet as many types of people as you can. Network. Be invested. This experience can be the most powerful experience of your life, but you must "lean in" and soak it in. Go to class. Participate. Get to know some faculty members. Use the learning centers. Introduce yourself...often. Utilize professors office hours. Send an email. Make a phone call. Study! Learn something new about the world and yourself. Expand your circle. Surround yourself with other people who are serious about their academics and practice a healthy social life. Get a good education and enjoy yourself in the process. Find the balance. It really seems to come naturally to you.
"Remember who you are and whose you are." I don't remember who said it, but it is amazing advice. Don't leave your value system, beliefs and morals back home. Go to church when you can. Pray everyday. Ask for help when you need it. Practice random acts of kindness. Get involved with student government and campus service organizations. Live within your means. Love the Mountaineers and never be ashamed to be a West Virginian.
Mark Twain wrote, "Twenty years from now, you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do." Don't be afraid to fail. Put your whole self out there. The world is your stage, and Baby, you've got it goin' on!
Finally, know, without a doubt, that your Daddy and I could not be more proud of you and who you have become. You have exceeded ALL expectations. Continue to be you. The world wide stage is ready...and so are you.
Love You Always,