Wednesday, August 15, 2018

An Open Letter to Lilly Rebecca Runion as she leaves for College


     Well, it looks like it' s time for our Birdie Bird to leave the nest.  There are so many things I feel I need to say.  There are so many little pieces of wisdom that I need to share.  It is hard to know where to begin...(or when to stop, for that matter!)
     Let me start by saying, "GIRL! YOU'VE GOT THIS!"  I know that you are full of "Freshman jitters" right now, but you have been prepping yourself for this journey your whole life.  You have such a strong sense of self and goodness.  Sure, your self esteem can take a hit every now and again, but that is the same for everyone.  It's true, you DO sweat the small stuff, but that's part of what makes you...YOU!  You actually give a damn about things! I think that is what gives such fire to your personality.  Your sense of what is right and what is wrong is so strongly defined.  With that being said, you have the most kind and forgiving disposition of anyone I know.  It completely reminds me of my mom.  You are a giver.  You would give or do anything to help a friend...or a stranger for that matter.
     I am so excited that you have chosen WVU and Morgantown to be your home for the next few years.  WVU is a special place.  It will completely wrap it's arms around you, if you let it.
     Know this, YOU BELONG!  Try to put your fears about the future behind you.  Bottom line, YOU ARE GOING TO BE OK.  Keep an open mind ('s not a stretch for you!)  Keep your options open as well. You do realize that you have options...right?  Dad and I just want you and your sisters to find something you love, and something that fills your soul.
     Do your mom a favor and really "lean in" to your college experience.  There are so many unbelievable clubs and organizations at WVU.  If you think there is an interest that is not covered, start a club yourself!
     LEAD!!! You were born to lead. People are drawn to you! Share your passion with others.
     BE FAMOUS...NOT INFAMOUS!  Let your light shine! Put your insecurities aside.  I'm telling you. Birdie, whatever "IT"'ve got "IT!"  Whether it is on stage or in every day life, you make people "feel" something.  It's everything about you.  The way you talk, the way you move...that smile with the twinkle in your draws people in.

     Stay spiritual.  I know this is a complicated part of your life.  Go to mass.  Go to church with a friend.  Pray, pray, pray...everyday.  Talk to God.  He is listening.  Follow Pope Francis and the Dali Lama on Twitter. They are both a loving light in a sometimes dark world.  Take care of your mind body and soul.
     Enough of the deep stuff already...right?! Get in there and kick this college things ass!  A few last pieces of advice:
  1. Manage your time
  2. Get to know your professors
  3. Get some sleep
  4. Use the Learning Center Tutors
  5. Consider study abroad
  6. Visit the Caruth Center when you feel you need to
  7. Seek out President Gee for a selfie...often!
  8. Embrace change
  9. Don't forget about Izzy
  10. Call your mom, on occasion
  11. Relax 
     I feel bittersweet about you leaving.  I keep telling people that I feel like you "need me more" than your sisters do.  Truth is, I need you.  I have leaned on you so heavily over the last year
.  You have been a great support, a wonderful diversion, an amazing confidant, and, let's be honest, nobody makes me laugh more than you do!
     Your Dad and I could not be more proud of you! I can't wait to see what you are going to do next!

Love You, 
Love You,
Love You,


P.S. Let's Go Mountaineers!


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