Wednesday, August 15, 2018

An Open Letter to Lilly Rebecca Runion as she leaves for College


     Well, it looks like it' s time for our Birdie Bird to leave the nest.  There are so many things I feel I need to say.  There are so many little pieces of wisdom that I need to share.  It is hard to know where to begin...(or when to stop, for that matter!)
     Let me start by saying, "GIRL! YOU'VE GOT THIS!"  I know that you are full of "Freshman jitters" right now, but you have been prepping yourself for this journey your whole life.  You have such a strong sense of self and goodness.  Sure, your self esteem can take a hit every now and again, but that is the same for everyone.  It's true, you DO sweat the small stuff, but that's part of what makes you...YOU!  You actually give a damn about things! I think that is what gives such fire to your personality.  Your sense of what is right and what is wrong is so strongly defined.  With that being said, you have the most kind and forgiving disposition of anyone I know.  It completely reminds me of my mom.  You are a giver.  You would give or do anything to help a friend...or a stranger for that matter.
     I am so excited that you have chosen WVU and Morgantown to be your home for the next few years.  WVU is a special place.  It will completely wrap it's arms around you, if you let it.
     Know this, YOU BELONG!  Try to put your fears about the future behind you.  Bottom line, YOU ARE GOING TO BE OK.  Keep an open mind ('s not a stretch for you!)  Keep your options open as well. You do realize that you have options...right?  Dad and I just want you and your sisters to find something you love, and something that fills your soul.
     Do your mom a favor and really "lean in" to your college experience.  There are so many unbelievable clubs and organizations at WVU.  If you think there is an interest that is not covered, start a club yourself!
     LEAD!!! You were born to lead. People are drawn to you! Share your passion with others.
     BE FAMOUS...NOT INFAMOUS!  Let your light shine! Put your insecurities aside.  I'm telling you. Birdie, whatever "IT"'ve got "IT!"  Whether it is on stage or in every day life, you make people "feel" something.  It's everything about you.  The way you talk, the way you move...that smile with the twinkle in your draws people in.

     Stay spiritual.  I know this is a complicated part of your life.  Go to mass.  Go to church with a friend.  Pray, pray, pray...everyday.  Talk to God.  He is listening.  Follow Pope Francis and the Dali Lama on Twitter. They are both a loving light in a sometimes dark world.  Take care of your mind body and soul.
     Enough of the deep stuff already...right?! Get in there and kick this college things ass!  A few last pieces of advice:
  1. Manage your time
  2. Get to know your professors
  3. Get some sleep
  4. Use the Learning Center Tutors
  5. Consider study abroad
  6. Visit the Caruth Center when you feel you need to
  7. Seek out President Gee for a selfie...often!
  8. Embrace change
  9. Don't forget about Izzy
  10. Call your mom, on occasion
  11. Relax 
     I feel bittersweet about you leaving.  I keep telling people that I feel like you "need me more" than your sisters do.  Truth is, I need you.  I have leaned on you so heavily over the last year
.  You have been a great support, a wonderful diversion, an amazing confidant, and, let's be honest, nobody makes me laugh more than you do!
     Your Dad and I could not be more proud of you! I can't wait to see what you are going to do next!

Love You, 
Love You,
Love You,


P.S. Let's Go Mountaineers!


Sunday, May 13, 2018

On Being a Mom

              Wonder of wonders, over the last few days, I have spent a lot of time thinking on being a mom.  Becoming a mother is, I think, the singular defining moment in the life of a mother. It is the moment when EVERYTHING changes...the universe shifts...the boundaries change...the ability to love expands exponentially.  It is a true gift. It's like getting all the good things, all at once. It is maddening. It is rewarding.  It is terrifying.  It is soul cultivating.  It is heartbreaking.  It lifts you so high, that you never return both feet to the Earth.
    Truth be told, not every mom is a great at being a mom.  Still, I am hard pressed to think of an instance where a mother has not, at least, tried to love her child in the best way she knows how.  Relationships between a mother and child can be complicated and complex.  Thank heavens, I never felt that way about my relationship with my mom or my children.
     My mom made it look easy.  It came naturally to her. She was a nurturer by nature... a friend to all...a mother to a mother to many.  She had a clear and simple vision of what it meant to be a good mother. She raised three children to know in their hearts what was the right thing to do. She stressed family and faith.  She lived by example, always putting others before herself. The highest complements I have ever received are when I have been told that I remind someone of my mother.  This means I must be warm, kind, thoughtful, funny, compassionate, patient, unselfish, inclusive, moral and loving.
   I can only hope that my children feel the same way about me. I think I'm on the right track. At any's a work in progress.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

JHS Media Guide Dedication for Toots and Tommy

     I felt like I should share this for those of you who have not seen it. The boys, grand kids, extended family and I, threw out the first pitch at a Jefferson High School Baseball game a few weeks ago. It was a great honor for our entire family.  It was in celebration of the team's media guide being dedicated to Mom and Daddy this year. Here is the dedication I composed.

     Baseball. It was one of many common threads of the shared life experience of Tommy and Tootsie Mercer.  Born March 18th, 1948 in Charleston, the fourth of five children, Tootsie moved with her family to Philippi , WV at an early age.  A tomboy from the start, “Toots” found a home playing Little League in Barbour County reaching the level of All-Star.  No small feat, considering that girls were not generally welcome to play.  Tootsie’s short blonde hair made it easy to disguise her from opposing teams.
     Tommy, born June 25th, 1948 was a lifelong resident of Jefferson County.  Tommy and his older brother Bill played in the Charles Town League as youths, Bill for the Yankees and Tommy for the Giants. They spent their spring and summers playing teams from exotic locations like Millville, Summit Point, Harpers Ferry, Berryville and Winchester.  Tommy continued his baseball career as an outfielder playing for the Panthers of Charles Town High School.  Upon graduation in 1967, he hung up his baseball cleats for the football gridiron.  At Fairmont State Tommy played college football for four years, including playing on Fairmont’s National Championship team in 1967.
     After meeting at Fairmont State and a short courtship, Tommy and Toostie were married in May of 1971.  Moving back to Charles Town, the ball field soon became a second home for the Mercers as Tommy started playing fast pitch softball for many years as he and Toots began raising their family.
     Baseball once again became an important part of the Mercer’s lives when their oldest child, Heather (Runion), went to play Little League for the Charles Town/Ranson Twins.  Tom Jr. was next, starting his baseball career with the Angels of the Jefferson County Little League, followed 5 years later by the youngest Mercer, BJ, who played with the JCLL Yankees.  Tootsie and Tommy became staples at the local ball fields for many years.  They spent countless hours at the fields and on the roads, taking their family all over the tri-state area for league games and all-star tournaments.  Tommy, especially, was a particularly “vocal” supporter of his sons and their teammates…just ask any umpire or opposing coach.  Eventually, he found himself most comfortable watching games from far down the right or left field line, depending on which dugout his team was assigned. This continued into the boys High School careers at Jefferson.  He could be found there game after game, while Tootsie preferred the more social aspects of being in the stands where her effervescent personality endeared her to the friends and families involved with Jefferson Baseball through the 1990’s. 
     State Championships came home with Jefferson Baseball and the Mercer boys four times. In 1992 and 1993 with Tom Jr. and in 1998 and 1999 with BJ.  Tootsie and Tommy did not miss a minute.  Tommy could often be found mowing grass and helping maintain the fields, while Tootsie kept busy helping plan tournament trips and coordinating social events for the players and their families.  Toots and Tommy made some of their most treasured friendships with the baseball families that they spent so much time with at JHS.  The strong bonds they forged were evidenced by the support their entire family received when Tootsie passed away in August 2017, followed unexpectedly a few weeks later by Tommy.  Countless players and their families visited the “Mercer Compound”, the hospital and the funeral home, providing much comfort to the Mercer children and grandchildren. 
    The Yankees legendary Yogi Berra said, “Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good too.”  Certainly, Tootsie and Tommy had a lot of both in their lives…love and baseball.